Wednesday, May 28, 2014

another successful interaction with the opposite sex

“I write this post crammed in a bus with an alarming number of people” was how this post was supposed to start off. I was going to paint you the most splendid of portraits of the hot, crowded, slightly smelly night megabus from London to Edinburgh. And then my seat mate started talking. At first I didn't mind, nothing wrong with a bit of conversation since we were going to spend 9ish hours next to each other. But you know the sensation of when a conversation is careening toward a steep, steep cliff? And you reach out to try and pull it back and just watch it slip past your outstretched finger tips, down into the dark, murky, and uncomfortable abyss? That pretty much sums up my bus buddy experience.
Things started off well enough, chatting with this man who was old enough to be my father - "where ya from? where ya going?" type deal. And then with an astonishing demonstration of how many wrong turns don't make a right I found myself flabbergasted on the receiving end of an invitation to be his date to a wedding in Spain that summer. This was before I had even told him my name. I had just listened to the lengthy list of “awesome” stag (bachelor) parties he had been to in Amsterdam – side effect of having been in The Netherlands and the conversation had trickled into weddings. I shouldn’t have even brought it up in the first place, but I was so very desperate to stop hearing about his wild times in Amsterdam, I made a joke about how everyone and their brother at home was getting married. Before I knew it he was telling me about the empty plus one that he had for this Spanish wedding and looking at me with expectant eyes.
At first I just laughed, thinking that there was no possible way he could be serious, and then realized that this man was indeed, desperate enough to invite a complete stranger to be his date to this event. I could practically see Liz Lemon walking through announcing: "shut it down".
I used every line in the book to deflect that one - some true, some un, whatever would get me out of that mess. Then I tried to steer the conversation away from all things marriage, prattling on about something like The Netherlands and teaching and whatnot, but as soon as I paused my filibuster to catch my breath, he switched us back to stag parties and all the good ones he barely remembers. Mercy. There was finally a long enough pause in conversation that I was able to shut my eyes and pretend to be asleep. Unfortunately, with my backpack jammed down at my feet, there wasn’t much room to comfortably “be asleep”. I shifted back and forth, trying to find a suitable position. Unable to situate myself, I opened my eyes to fold my coat into a good shape and found my seat buddy staring at me with earnest eyes, offering me a blow-up camping pillow. Still a little perturbed by our earlier interaction, I very politely refused, telling him that I couldn’t possibly take his pillow. And that is when he looked me square in the eye and said, “but I blew it up for you”

Nope, nope, nope. Nopenopenopenope. 
Again, I refused and went back to “sleeping” for the rest of our journey. I’m sure he was just trying to be kind, but a girl’s gotta look out for herself, especially when traveling alone. But oh, how talking to strangers can be fun. 

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