Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Where Has the Summer Gone? 

It seems like just yesterday I was standing on the couch making my best dinosaur noises at my family to try and pass the time away until my next big adventure came. Oh wait, that was yesterday. I do love being home, who can argue with free food and sleeping all day? And being around my fam jam, they're pretty entertaining sometimes too. But with t-minus four days until my return to Auburn, I must say that those four days can't pass fast enough. I'm not quite sure how the summer whisked past me so quickly but I can't say that I'm totally sad to see it go. Although I don't know how I'm going to handle life without having London to look forward to, I do have high expectations for junior year (gah, I'm a junior in college. What the what??).
Sometimes I like to think that I'm like a shark. Not that I have a lot of sharp teeth or have a week dedicated to me, but if sharks stop swimming then they die. Now, I will not die if I stop moving, obviously, but sitting around the house waiting to 1. get over a sickness 2. go back to school, drives me nuts. So the glean of a full schedule on the horizon gets me pretty stoked.
Since the nightmare cough has been reduced to a mild hack under the strict inhaler regimen, I have crawled out of my crafting cave and back into the real world. Catching up with friends from high school has been a blast, but it just reminds me of how excited I am to see my friends at school. I have not seen my Little since her surprise visit to the ATL in May (yeah, I have the best Little ever) and it doesn't matter where you are, you'll probably be able to hear us screaming when we're finally reunited on Saturday.

Also, can we talk about how nice it is to be in classes that A. seem like they will actually be useful B. you'll actually be good at C. you'll actually be interested in D. all of the above? I know that was a little bit of an ADD moment, but with taking about returning to school I started thinking about my classes and got really excited. I know it sounds nerdy but I am actually really pumped for my classes this semester since I am finally done with my core. Now that I'm in my major, I no longer look at my schedule with a pit in my stomach. Nothing is worse than walking into a class on the first day and having to acknowledge, "Well, shooting for a B here but really would be okay with just not failing." I know that seems kind of slacker of me but let's be real, everybody has their strengths and weaknesses. My weakness, for instance, lies in anything to do with numbers. Calculus? That's a joke. Economics? Please. Nineteenth-Century American Literature? Yes, ma'am!
Although, my lack of understanding in Economics might not entirely be my fault. For college Econ I had a brand new teacher who did not have a great comprehension of the English language and whose voice steadily increased in pitch during every sentence. Friends who took the class with me say that I do an excellent impression. When she wrote "giffen" on the board instead of "given" I kind of decided that my education in that class was going to be a wash anyway. But I'm sure Auburn anticipated students to come in with a fairly basic understanding of the subject from high school which I take full responsibility for not having. I mean, my three of my really close friends were in my high school Econ. class, what was I supposed to do? Pay attention? Yeah right. Like I was going to stop coloring in my princess coloring book or stop having Snack Pack Thursday to learn about supply and demand. Yes, Snack Pack Thursday was a real thing, every Thursday we brought in chocolate pudding and had a splendid time snacking and coloring. In my defense, my teacher did set a really bad precedent for goofing off. When I was diagnosed with mono that semester, he would make me yell "unclean!" every time I entered the room. Isn't public school education great?
This probably makes me sound like a horrible student, I really did do well in both my high school and college Economics classes. I just refuse to let school be totally boring.
Alrighty, I've jumped all over the place enough for one night. Hope it was entertaining nonetheless. With rush (sorority recruitment) and a week of living on my Big's couch on the horizon, I'm sure to have plenty of interesting stories in the next couple weeks so stay tuned.

Friday, July 27, 2012

The Worst Break Up - Ever 

Welcome to my new blog! I wanted to keep my last one purely travel related because, well, I'm sentimental like that. But here is the one that I'll use for everyday use since I got such a positive response from my London blogging. Anyway. Now on to the important stuff.

Have you ever had a really bad break up? Like not wanting to function in real life, can't do anything that doesn't remind you of that ex special someone, heart wrenching, want to curl up in a ball and look at pictures of the two of you together all day long? Well, right now London and I are going through one of those break ups. Something tells me that London probably hasn't even noticed that I'm gone except for the decrease in number of pedestrians almost getting hit by cars. But boy, have I noticed that I'm gone. After six weeks of studying abroad in that glorious country I am already making plans for how I'll work internationally so that I can permanently be overseas. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to be at home and I am quite excited about heading back to college but let's be real, London > Roswell/Auburn. No contest. It's taking every ounce of self control not to flip through my pictures over and over and over and over. And it really doesn't help that London's parting gift to me was a nice little case of bronchitis so everywhere I go I get to tote around a sweet inhaler. Please, men, I know that the hacking cough and interval hits on the inhaler are attractively overwhelming, but try to keep your hands to yourself.
To add insult to injury, tonight was the opening ceremonies for the 2012 Olympic Games. And where are they being held this year? London, of course. I thought my poor little heart was going to explode when the camera panned over all the places that I've been the past six weeks. That actually might have been the steroid I've been taking that made my heart feel like that, but I'm going to stick with it being the excitement/pride/longing evoked by viewing London's major landmarks.
Despite my heartbreak, the ceremonies were about the coolest thing I have ever seen. It makes me happy to be human when I see all the nations coming together like that. Alright, that's enough emotional chatter for one night. Here's some pictures of the Olympic stadium:

Stadium and viewing platform

Track field 

Full on Olympic Stadium 
Thanks for keeping up with me and my writing! Hopefully I'll have more readers than just my mother but if that's the case well then, hey mom.
Cheers and goodnight!