Wednesday, October 31, 2012


My favorite part about living in an apartment is our dingy, constantly broken kitchen. Seriously, the sink leaks unless you turn it to a precise spot, the burners are so crooked that anything in the pan will slide all the way to the right, and no matter the scrubbing we give it, the floor always looks like we live in a pig sty. But I love it because finally I can repay my debt. To all the upperclassmen who invited me into their sparsely furnished homes and saved me from another night of the great debate: another sandwich from Rye of the Tiger (yes, that's what it's really called) or starving. So turning around in kind, my smelly oven and crooked burners are allowing me to cook all the easy meals I can manage for the on-campus dwellers in my life. Thus - pancakepalooza.

So tonight for the grand tradition of Halloween we had two options (yes, only two) - 1. don our best slutty firewoman/bumblebee/spider/etc. costumes then pay $10 to stand around awkwardly sober in a smelly bar with some strangers in costumes or 2. cook pancakes for some of our favorite freshmen and sophomores, watch some Hocus Pocus, and not leave the apartment all night.

One guess on what option was chosen...

Did you guess that I hit up Bourbon Street as the sluttiest spider of 2012??

Well that would be the incorrect guess.

Chocolate chip pancakes, bacon, Hocus Pocus (followed by Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone) and an apartment full of chattering girls made for a perfect Halloween. And I didn't even have to get out of my sweatpants!

That's about as exciting as my life gets right now. School is coming on in a full court press and between a grammar class that feels like math and trying to figure out my grad school game plan it's no wonder why my laundry has been sitting in the dryer for a day and a half now (whoops!). Happy days nonetheless with Thanksgiving break right around the bend. Just two more weeks and I'll have seven full days to recuperate from this semester - oh wait! that's a joke. At least I'll have a full week to catch up on school work right before finals? Oh well, still something to look forward to.
My eyes are going crosseyed with exhaustion so you'll have to excuse me from a clever transition into signing off. Goodnight blogger world and a very merry beginning of No Shave November!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

'Sup internet peoples. It's Octoberrrrr. Want to hear all the things I love about fall? Me either, that list would be boring and dumb. I wish I could say that the weather is getting cooler but I would be lying. Although I do enjoy the awkwardly crisp and humid mornings. You know the kind, where you walk out the door in the morning and think, "oh this is so delightfully chilly! maybe I should have worn tights under my dress!"and then about ten minutes into your walk all you can think is "mother of pearl why am I sweating in October?!" Struggles.
I can't think of any one particular thing to share so instead I'm going to give you a list. Here are my Little October Lessons:

1. Pitch Perfect rivals Bridesmaids in comedy - If you haven't seen it, go see it... right now.
Seriously, why are you still here? GO.
Still here? Fine. Maybe you can go see it this weekend. A matinee is only eight bucks. (which is HIGHWAY ROBBERY by the way)

2. When the recipe says "one cup" it really doesn't mean pour in three-fourths of the bag. If you add too many chocolate chips to pumpkin chocolate chip muffins, the chocolate chips overwhelm the pumpkin.  Whoops.

3. Impromptu, surprise visits from high school friends are the greatest.

4. Wearing an open back leopard print dress is always a good idea for formal.

5. Wearing an open back leopard print dress is not a good idea when you sit outside of McDonalds until the wee hours of the morning.

6. ..."interesting" people frequent McDonalds at 3am in Auburn, AL

cute people before formal 

7. My sawrawity (sorority) family is better than everyone else's. No contest.

Seriously. No contest.
8. Registering for classes never stops making you want to pull your hair out in frustration.

9. I only have three more semesters as an undergrad - what. the. what.

10. With every year I gain, the less mature my Halloween costume ideas get. Right now the big contenders are the cast of Scooby Doo or the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

I should really return to one of the three projects I have due in the terrifyingly near future. It's definitely one of those weeks where I realize that I have so much to do that my little brain has just decided that none of it is actually going to get done. This being a junior in college thing is tough.

(Jokes on jokes to my parents who are paying this out-of-state tuition - I'm studying hard!)

Happy Wednesday Homies - C.Sher out.

believing in AU & AXO and loving it!