Thursday, August 30, 2012

So remember how I was saying how boring my life has been? Well I must apologize for that because I lied. I lied big time. Maybe not, it was boring up until today but today definitely took a turn back towards my usual chaos. Story time:

I awoke this morning as usual: regretting ever deciding to do anything but live in my parents basement, eat potato chips, and sleep. But Educational Media for Educators was calling my name so I dragged my  butt out of bed and got ready. Following my usual routine I dressed, brushed my teeth, cooed "good morning" to Dobby (my double tailed, green betta), grabbed my backpack, went into the kitchen, reminded myself for the fourth time this week that I have got to get granola bars, cooed "morning buddy" to Draco (the kitchen fish - yes, I'm a crazy fish lady) and left the apartment.
 I was just thinking to myself that I could take my sweet time getting to class when I noticed a lump on the sidewalk. With piqued curiosity I advanced towards the lump to discover a baby squirrel. The poor thing was covered in fire ants and making the most pitiful noises I have ever heard. Without thinking I scooped it up and attempted to clear all the fire ants off - while sustaining quite a few bites. Shivering, the little fur ball started trying to bury itself into my shirt. Once I overcame how stinking cute it was and how sad the situation was I began to panic. I had to go to class but was standing with a baby squirrel in hand! Grabbing my cell I dialed my pre-vet friend who advised me to leave the squirrel alone because if the mom came back and smelled my scent then she might not take the baby back (whoops!) but that if it was still there a few hours later then I should do something about it. Not knowing what else to do, I tucked the baby into some leaves at the base of a nearby tree and set off for class. All morning I was a nervy spaz. First the realization hit me that I had just handled a wild animal - what if it had a disease?? Like rabies?? And you know how whenever you have something on your fingers suddenly everything starts to itch? Well I had that, especially on my face, but was trying so so hard not to touch anything with my squirrel fingers. When I finally made it to Haley I immediately dashed into the bathroom to sanitize. For my entire three hour class my stomach was in knots - what if it died while I was gone? What if a dog ate it? Or a hawk? For the first time ever my class went the full three hours but as soon as the teacher dismissed us I was out of my seat like a rocket. I power walked all the way back to where I had left the baby squirrel, praying that it's mommy had come back for it or at least that it wasn't dead.
Sure enough, there it was, still curled up under the tree. Scooping it's little form into my hands I did a really attractive backpack jog back to the apartment.
By now I have become pretty attached to this furry little creature and obviously have named it, so going forward it will be referred to as Squirrel Face.
During class I read online that you have to keep orphaned squirrels warm so at first I was so red-headed from my power walk/jog my own body heat sufficed for keeping both of us pretty toasty. But then I heated up some water to and put it in a Ziplock bag, covered it with a t shirt and snuggled little Squirrel Face into a mixing bowl nest. Following directions off of a website I found I mixed some salt and sugar with water to make a rehydration fluid, but Squirrel Face would have none of that. She's kind of a diva. Meanwhile my roommate came through the door - "Surprise! I have a squirrel!" I think just tried to ignore my frenzy.
From there I called my boss to tell her I'd be late to work, my mother, and then Animal Control. Luckily, Animal Control advised me to take my little guy to the Auburn Raptor Center - apparently they're big on rehabilitating all animals. I grabbed Squirrel Face and tucked her cautiously into the passenger seat. Never ever have I been so aware that my car vibrates so violently, also never in my life have I driven so carefully.
We both made it to the Raptor Center in one piece and I handed her over to my new best friend Mary Ann who promised that she would give my Squirrel Face a flea bath and get her restored to full health.

And that's the story of Squirrel Face - I quite miss that fuzzy stinker, even though she gave me quite the heart attack this morning. My mom says that someday I'll be reading a book out on the back porch and out of nowhere a squirrel will drop into my lap and cozy up to me. It'll be Squirrel Face coming home. One can only dream.

sleepy little squirrel in her t-shirt nest

isn't she the cutest?

miss my Squirrel Face

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Sometimes I think that if anyone read this blog they would probably fall asleep midway through the first post and would never reawaken from their boredom coma. I swear to you that most of the time I lead a fairly entertaining existence, most of the instances just don't really translate to what normal people consider amusing and/or normal. For instance, my insistence on wearing my sunglasses while making lunch yesterday or standing on the couch and making dinosaur noises at my roommates. Caitlin brain has a good laugh while my roommates probably are thinking about how soon they can take my name off the lease. It happens. I know deep deep deep down they secretly find me hilarious... hopefully. 
Nothing terribly new here in Auu-burn, except for the occasional monsoon - thank you, now tropical storm, Isaac. The sweet little storm, he's so good about bringing on the downpour at really convenient times. Like, for instance, when you're trying to make it completely across campus and get to chapter on time. Plus you get the added bonus of power walking with the Hunchback of Notre Dome look (cue raincoat over very packed backpack) that's always attractive. Nothing quite says, "Get at me boys"quite like the Donatello look while you're huffing it across campus. And yes, I did just make both a Disney and Ninja Turtles reference. Whaddup. 
Since things are kind of slow I thought I'd entertain the masses (masses, yeah right) with some amusing pictures that I came across while trying to make some room on my hard drive. 

Sometimes it's really difficult being this good looking.
Christmas Cocktail freshman year -
 jiggly faces is possibly the greatest pastime for those
incredibly long pre-event picture parties 
This is me and my big.
I nominate her for every single sorority pageant and she rolls her eyes at me a lot.
Obviously it's love.  

The sign said "Please respect the history, do not touch"
This is me and my little.
I lied all during big/little week.
When she saw me she started crying (tears of joy).
It was the best moment of my life 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

What a whirlwind! The past week and a half have passed like a blur. The start of school has hit me like a freight train. Did you know that being junior means no more syllabus day? Well it was news to me. Syllabus day, also known as the best day of the school year, is the first day of class when the teacher reads the syllabus aloud then lets us go early. It's like class minus the learning. But apparently when you hit your third year of college teachers skip the fun part and go straight to assigning homework... whomp whomp. But, I'll get out of the waaaambulence and quit belly-aching because it's really not that bad. For the most part classes are interesting, even if I don't love the subject material. On a scale from can't wait to get there to constantly checking the clock my days go as follows:

British Literature 1 - absolute fave. I took the professor last semester for Renaissance English Literature and pretty much want to be her when I grow up. Plus the reading material is really engaging (even though I leave with the twitches every day from London withdrawal)
Studies in Poetry - my professor kind of looks like a bobble head, in an adorable way. Thus far we've been reading really different poetry which is kind of nice.
Utilization of Technology for Teachers - not the greatest class I've ever taken but we play with iPads all day. Also learned that kindergarten style crafting is not my strong suit in this class. I always thought I was a little crafty but our mini book project today would say otherwise. Hello disaster zone.
Language Studies for Teachers - kind of a snooze, but only fifty minutes long so sometimes it flies... and sometimes it doesn't. We've been going old school all over grammar, taking it back to second grade with classifying nouns and verbs.
Topics in Writing: Writing Center Theory & Practice - welcome to the time warp. Seconds turn into hours. I think I'm going to get whiplash from checking my watch so often. I took the class thinking that it's a writing class and I like to write, plus it might be nice to learn how to work one on one with students. Is that what we're doing? Of course not. Instead we've had to write about our first experience with literature then analyze it. As in analyze our personalities based on some story about reading one time then discuss with the class. Wildly. Uncomfortable. Personally, I'm not huge on sharing feelings or personal reflection but I really want to clam up when I have to share feelings or personal reflection with a room full of strangers. Here goes my mission to convince my teachers that I'm actually a mute.

There's a little recap of my classes. Outside of academia, life is going well. College of Ed. is getting ramped up for our big Scholarship Ceremony on Saturday so there's been a flurry of activity in the Office of Development. Exciting stuff all around.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Hello little blog! I know it looks like I've forgotten you, but I swear I haven't. The past two weeks have been such a whirlwind that I just haven't had the time (or the internet connection) to sit down and write. I'll hit the rewind button [insert the whirr of a tape here] and go back to two weeks ago when my mom and I hopped in the car for a little road trip. This year my grandparents celebrated their 60th anniversary - d'awwww - so per their request, five rooms were rented out at the Anna Maria Island Resort for a little fam jam togetherness. By a great stroke of luck, all the cousins were able to make it at some point during the weekend. Which, with all of us spread out along the southeast and two with military obligations, is no small feat. Poor Anna Maria Island was soon overrun by the crazy Butler clan but a good time was had by all. Plus with hundred degree weather, an afternoon by the pool was exactly what my ghastly pale self needed to get back to a shade that won't blind people. 
Unfortunately, my family love fest did not last for long. Saturday morning I awoke at the crack of dawn to head back to Atlanta. My little white Honda and sorority Recruitment lay at the other end of my flight. Once I located my car (my dad and brother had left her at Hartsfield the day before) I cranked the engine and jumped on to 85 South - Auburn bound. Rolling in around noon, I made it just in time to hear earsplitting screams of What Makes You Beautiful crashing out from the Alpha Chi Omega chapter room. Oh Rush. Thus began one of the most unpleasant weeks of the year. It always amuses me that Rush  and Shark Week overlap - the worst and best week of the whole year. Now, let me explain my reasoning behind believing Rush to be the pits. Imagine forcing around two hundred girls into one room for hours on end - entire days even. Throw in having to be completely made up, screaming pop songs as loud as humanly possible, and having the same conversation anywhere from four to seventeen times a day. Oh, and after those conversations having to decide whether a practically complete stranger would make a good addition to your sorority. For a week straight. Needless to say, this estrogen ocean tends to bring out the very worst in people. It quickly becomes a girl eat girl situation... kind of similar to Shark Week actually. But at the end of the stress inducing, sleep deprived week our hard efforts are rewarded with sixty new, Baby Pearls. And let me tell you, seeing those girls run, screaming up to our chapter room makes all the catty spats and lingering injuries disappear. Because those girls are so, so, so worth the work. 
In the midst of this srat (like frat, but with sorority) fest, myself and my three roommates began moving into our brand new apartment. eek! So for the past few days we've been in a frenzy of decorating. I could describe it but I think a picture would do better justice: 

** okay, never mind on the pictures. my computer is being kind of a butt monkey. I swear I'll post them as soon as I get a better internet connection!** 

My final piece of the hectic mess that is my life was the beginning of my job in the College of Ed.'s Office of Development. In between catching up on sleep and hastily nailing things into the wall I've been reporting to the Haley Center every day. We're currently gearing up for the big COE Scholarship Ceremony so there's much to be done! 
That about gets me caught up. Classes start tomorrow which, in my book, officially makes me a college junior. yikes!